Hey all, just decided to pop in to dump this here. Basically what we have here is just a collection of various text files I have. Some I wrote, some I did not. Enjoy.

Stuff I made:

The Rules is a formal encoding of the set of Uno house rules I use. It's a bit longer than you'd expect.

Eat is something I wrote as a school project in 2019 that i found on an old flash drive recently

Jack is the same story. I was bored in that class. I also wrote an essay about a book I hadn't read and then turned it in in Wingdings, but that one wasn't nearly as interesting.

Trapped At The Walmart is a narrative of that time I got stuck in a walmart. I have a bunch of similar lore summarized in another doc, but this is the only one I wrote down as it happened.

Surviving 1-1 is a list I compiled of Game Genie codes I liked from a youtube series that's lost to time.

The Christmas Cookies need no introduction.

Freenode is a log I took on the day Freenode died.

Stuff I didn't make:

This is a recipe I got from a certain Australian.

Snicks is a recipe for snickerdoodles I got in the mail along with a delightful mix CD (which i might also upload someday)

Norwegian Christmas Butter Bars seem to have nothing to do with the name, but are delicious anyway

Spok is ASCII art of Spock from the '80s.

UPC is a neat little treatise from around the same time on how those barcodes on every product in existence work